
Hi! My name is Gary and I’m continuing on a journey I started 10 years ago to create an online business. I’m now retired after 40+ years in the casino industry in Reno, Nevada. Prior to moving to Reno, I lived all over the United States as my dad was an Air Force pilot. My favorite thing to do is travel, not just the United States, but - the world. Countries I have visited include Hong Kong, South Korea, China, Spain, Gibraltar, Germany, Belgium, and France. Spain is of particular interest as my ancestors came from Spain in the 1600s and settled in an area that would one day become part of the United States – Colorado and New Mexico. But there are many more places in the world to see and Italy and Switzerland are of particular interest for my next travel adventure.

Help Others to Understand Tecnology

Probably one unique characteristic about me that most do not know is that I have spent many years training as a classical singer (opera). I almost changed my undergraduate major at one point to pursue a vocal performance degree, but I stuck with accounting and information technology. I attended the University of Southern California ("USC") and finished my undergraduate and master's degree at University of Nevada- Reno in Accounting. My knowledge of Accounting, Finance, and Information Technology will help build your cloud and understand how to utilize these tools in your business.

It Was Frustrating to See Management's Struggle with Technology 

Most of my working career was in Accounting ( 30 years) with a few years in Information Technology (10 years). I have performed all functions in Accounting with my last position as Financial Controller for a company with 20+ casinos. I was Director of Information Technology for 5 years and spent 5 years as a programmer and system operator.

Because of my understanding of Information Technology, requests by upper management to interpret the technological jargon were quite frequent. As the company I worked for continued their acquisitions, the company also found the need to upgrade the technology to keep competitive. Technology is one of those necessary evils you must have but I found management had no real understanding of how it worked and how much was excessive. Rephrasing the technological proposals into plain English helped management become more secure in the decisions about the Information Technology of the company. I was frustrated because of the computer world's use of terms no one understands.

My Goal is the Help You Achieve Your Goals

Ultimately, I hope to help you understand cloud computing and demystify the technology terminology. Cloud computing is a way of using the internet to store, access and process data and applications. Instead of relying on your own devices or servers, you can use the resources of a network of remote computers that are constantly connected and updated. This way, you can save space, money and time, and enjoy more flexibility, security and scalability. Cloud computing is the backbone of many online services, such as email, streaming, gaming and social media.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,

Gary Duncan


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